Base 1520 Intermediate

BASE1520 is a fitness brand created for the sole purpose of helping you fulfill the great commission.

Maybe you are not a carrer missionary going to the himalayans but also not a first timer. This program is designed with you in mind.


*For Someone who has 2-5 years of consistent training exposure
* Focuses on movement competency with a barbell as well as basic movement patterns
* This will guide you through Lower Split and Upper Push/Pull progressions
* Focused on increasing readiness for higher skilled movements used in the advanced program.
* Aerobic capacity increase with cyclical training from multiple modalities and progressive volume building (You will be able to breath better)

Hinge-Push/Pull Base 1520 (Intermediate)

Weights shown are based on theoratical clients 5RM maxes of a semi-experience lifter

Hip Mobility Flow

Primary FOcus

Muscle Group: Hip & Groin

Primary FOcus

Muscle Group: Quads


1. Hold a bar at hip level with a pronated (palms facing down) grip.
2. Your shoulders should be back, your back arched, and your knees slightly bent.
3. This will be your starting position.
4. Lower the bar by moving your butt back as far as you can.
5. Keep the bar close to your body, your head looking forward, and your shoulders back.
6. Done correctly, you should reach the maximum range of your hamstring flexibility just below the knee.
7. Any further movement will be compensation and should be avoided for this movement
8. At the bottom of your range of motion, return the starting position by driving the hips forward to stand up tall.



Primary FOcus

Modality: Strength
Muscle Group: Hamstring, Glutes
Movement Pattern: Lower Body Hinge

Super Set

Dual Dumbbell Seated Press


1. Dual Dumbbell seated press begins seated on a flat bench, with knees bent and heels on the floor, with a dumbbell in each hand in the front rack position, with hands in a neutral grip. 2. To initiate the movement, punch the knuckles up towards the ceiling and extend the dumbbells up overhead. Then, with control, lower the dumbbells back down to the starting position.

Primary FOcus

Muscle Group: Shoulders

Primary FOcus

Modality: Strength

Primary FOcus

Muscle Group: Hip & Groin

Cyclic aerobic base 1520 (intermediate)

Breathing Warm-Up Prep


1. Warmup: Breathing Warmup- prep
2. @4441 breathing tempo x6 breathes Rest 30 seconds x3 (4 second inhale, 4 seconds hold, 4 seconds exhale, 1 second pause)
3. Submax breath holds *Record duration in comments -Exhale all O2 abd pinch nose -Hold position with good posture -Give yourself 3-4 breathes through nose and mouth when finished through nose and mouth when finished and begin nasal breathing only for rest periods Rest 60-90 seconds x2-3 sets

Primary FOcus

Mobility: -


1. Submax breath holds *Recond duration in comments -Exhale all O2 and pinch nose-Hold position with good posture -Give yourself 3-4 breathes through nose and mouth when finished and begin nasal breathing only for rest periods Rest 60-90 seconds x2-3 sets
2. @4441 breathing tempo x6 breathes Rest 30 seconds x3 (4 second inhale, 4 seconds hold, 4 seconds exhale, 1 second pause)
3. Submax breath holds *Record duration in comments -Exhale all O2 abd pinch nose -Hold position with good posture -Give yourself 3-4 breathes through nose and mouth when finished through nose and mouth when finished and begin nasal breathing only for rest periods Rest 60-90 seconds x2-3 sets

Primary FOcus

Modality: -

Primary FOcus

Modality: Cardio

Upper Push-LowerAccess Base 1520 (Intermediate)

Weights shown are based on theoratical clients 5RM maxes of a semi-experience lifter

Lateral Walk with Band


1. Place a band around the knees and walt laterally (sideo to side) while just lifting the foot slightly off the ground.

Primary FOcus

Muscle Group: Glutes

Primary FOcus

Muscle Group: Activation

Primary FOcus

Muscle Group: Glutes

Primary FOcus

Modality: Activation

Primary FOcus

Muscle Group: Core & Lower Back

Primary FOcus

Modality: Activation

Primary FOcus

Muscle Group: Shoulders

Primary FOcus

Modality: Strength

Primary FOcus

Muscle Group: Hamstrings

Cyclic Aerobic Base 1520 (Intermediate)

Weights shown are based on theoratical clients 5RM maxes of a semi-experience lifter

Breathing Warm-up prep


1. Warmup: Breathing Warmup-prep
2. @4441 breathing tempo x6 breathes Rest 30 seconds x3 (4 second inhale, 4 seconds hold, 4 seconds exhale, 1 second pause)
3. Submax breath holds *Record duration in comments -Exhale all O2 and pinch nose -Hold nose and time duration while sitting in upright position with good posture -Give yourself 3-4 breathes through nose and mouth when finished and begin nasal breathing only for rest periods Rest 60-90 seconds x2-3 sets

Primary FOcus

Modality: -


1. Submax breath holds *Record duration in comments -Exhale all O2 and pinch nose -Hold nose and time duration while sitting in upright position with good posture -Give yourself 3-4 breathes through nose and mouth when finished and begin nasal breathing only for rest periods Rest 60-90 seconds x2-3 sets

Primary FOcus

Modality: -


1. Row begins seated on a rower machine, with feet strapped in and hands on the rower handle, gripping in a pronated position (knuckles face up). To initiate the movement, drive through the heels to extend the legs, while simultaneously bending at the elbows and pulling the rower handle in towards the bottom of the chest. Then, to rest, allow the arms to extend, let the resistance of the rower draw you back forward, and allow the knees to bend naturally.

Primary FOcus

Muscle Group: Mid Back




1. To begin, seat yourself on the bike and adjust the seat to your height.
2. Select the desired option from the menu.
3. You may have to start pedaling to turn it on.
4. You can use the manual setting, or you can select a program to use.
5. Typically, you can enter your age and weight to estimate the amount of calories burned during exercise.
6. The level of resistance can be changed throughout the workout.
7. The handles can be used to monitor your heart rate to help you stay at an appropriate intensity

Primary FOcus

Modality: Cardio
Muscle Group: Quads
Movement Pattern: Locomotion


1. Begin standing with your feet shoulder-width apart.
2. Your arms should be bent and at your sides.
3. Lift your right knee up until it reaches your waist.
4. Your left arm should swing forward while your right arm swings back.
5. Keep your left knee slightly bent and allow it to spring.
6. Return your right foot to the ground as you lift your left knee.
7. Swing your right arm forward and your left arm back.
8. Keep your right knee slightly bent and allow it to spring.
9. Repeat

Primary FOcus

Modality: Cardio
Muscle Group: Quads, Hamstrings, Lower Leg
Movement Pattern: Locomotion




1. To begin, step onto the treadmill and select the desired option from the menu. Most treadmills have a manual setting, or you can select a program to run. Typically, you can enter your age and weight to estimate the amount of calories burned during exercise. Elevation can be adjusted to change the intensity of the workout.
2. Treadmills offer convenience, cardiovascular benefits, and usually have less impact than walking outside. When walking you should move at a moderate to fast pace, not a leisurely one. Being an activity of lower intensity, walking does not burn as many calories as some other activities, but still provides great benefit. A 150 lb person will burn about 175 calories walking 4 miles per hour for 30 minutes, compared to 450 calories running twice as fast. Maintain proper posture as you walk, and only hold onto the handles when necessary, such as when dismounting or checking your heart rate.

Primary FOcus

Modality: Cardio
Muscle Group: Quads, Lower Leg, Hamstrings
Movement Pattern: Locomotion


1. Move Slow and focus on nasal breathing.

Primary FOcus

Modality: -

Expression base 1520 (Intermediate)

Expression week 1 Base 1520 (Intermediate)



1. Get outdoors. Go biking, hiking, or something recreational, etc... have fun be active!

Primary FOcus

Modality: -

Maybe you are not a carrer missionary going to the himalayans but also not a first timer. This program is designed with you in mind.


*For Someone who has 2-5 years of consistent training exposure
* Focuses on movement competency with a barbell as well as basic movement patterns
* This will guide you through Lower Split and Upper Push/Pull progressions
* Focused on increasing readiness for higher skilled movements used in the advanced program.
* Aerobic capacity increase with cyclical training from multiple modalities and progressive volume building (You will be able to breath better)

Squat push/pull base 1520 (Intermediate)

Weights shown are based on theoratical clients 5RM maxes of a semi-experience lifter

Hip Mobility Flow

Primary FOcus

Muscle Group: Hip & Groin

Primary FOcus

Muscle Group: Hamstrings


1. This exercise is best performed inside a squat rack for safety purposes. To begin, first set the bar on a rack that best matches your height. Once the correct height is chosen and the bar is loaded, bring your arms up under the bar while keeping the elbows high and the upper arm slightly above parallel to the floor. Rest the bar on top of the deltoids and cross your arms while grasping the bar for total control.
2. Lift the bar off the rack by first pushing with your legs and at the same time straightening your torso.
3. Step away from the rack and position your legs using a shoulder width medium stance with toes slightly pointed out. Keep Your head up at all times as looking down will get you off balance and also maintain a straight back. This will be your starting position.
4. Begin to slowly lower the bar by bending the knees as you maintain a straight posture with the head up. Continue down until the angleb between the upper leg and the calves becomes slightly less than 90-degrees (which is the point in which the upper legs are below parallel to the floor). Inhale as you perform this portion of the movement.
5. Begin to raise the bar as you exhale by pushing the floor mainly with the middle of your foot as you straighten the legs again and go back to the starting position.



Primary FOcus

Modality: Strength
Muscle Group: Quads, Glutes
Movement Pattern: Lower Body Push

Super Set

Dual Dumbbell Seated Press


1. Dual Dumbbell seated press begins seated on a flat bench, with knees bent and heels on the floor, with a dumbbell in each hand in the front rack position, with hands in a neutral grip. 2. To initiate the movement, punch the knuckles up towards the ceiling and extend the dumbbells up overhead. Then, with control, lower the dumbbells back down to the starting position.

Primary FOcus

Muscle Group: Shoulders

Primary FOcus

Modality: Strength

Cyclic aerobic base 1520 (intermediate)

Breathing Warm-Up Prep


1. Warmup: Breathing Warmup- prep
2. @4441 breathing tempo x6 breathes Rest 30 seconds x3 (4 second inhale, 4 seconds hold, 4 seconds exhale, 1 second pause)
3. Submax breath holds *Record duration in comments -Exhale all O2 abd pinch nose -Hold position with good posture -Give yourself 3-4 breathes through nose and mouth when finished through nose and mouth when finished and begin nasal breathing only for rest periods Rest 60-90 seconds x2-3 sets

Primary FOcus

Mobility: -


1. Submax breath holds *Recond duration in comments -Exhale all O2 and pinch nose-Hold position with good posture -Give yourself 3-4 breathes through nose and mouth when finished and begin nasal breathing only for rest periods Rest 60-90 seconds x2-3 sets
2. @4441 breathing tempo x6 breathes Rest 30 seconds x3 (4 second inhale, 4 seconds hold, 4 seconds exhale, 1 second pause)
3. Submax breath holds *Record duration in comments -Exhale all O2 abd pinch nose -Hold position with good posture -Give yourself 3-4 breathes through nose and mouth when finished through nose and mouth when finished and begin nasal breathing only for rest periods Rest 60-90 seconds x2-3 sets

Primary FOcus

Modality: -

Primary FOcus

Modality: Cardio


1. Move slow and focus on nasal breathing.

Primary FOcus

Modality: -


1. To Ruck, use a backpack/Rucksack as you walk/hike on trails

Primary FOcus

Modality: Cardio

Upper Push-LowerAccess Base 1520 (Intermediate)

Weights shown are based on theoratical clients 5RM maxes of a semi-experience lifter

Lateral Walk with Band


1. Place a band around the knees and walt laterally (sideo to side) while just lifting the foot slightly off the ground.

Primary FOcus

Muscle Group: Glutes

Primary FOcus

Muscle Group: Activation

Primary FOcus

Muscle Group: Glutes

Primary FOcus

Modality: Activation

Primary FOcus

Muscle Group: Core & Lower Back

Primary FOcus

Modality: Activation


1. The Bent over barbell row starts with the bar on the floor.
2. Hinge from the hips and grab the bar with hands pronated.
3. Keeping the back flat, begin to pull the bar up towards the bottom of the chest.
4. Then, with control, lower the weight back down to the ground.



Primary FOcus

Modality: Strength
Muscle Group: Mid Back
Movement pattern: Upper Body Horizontal Pull

Super Set

Banded Split Squat

Primary FOcus

Modality: Strength

Primary FOcus

Muscle Group: Hamstrings

Cyclic Aerobic Base 1520 (Intermediate)

Weights shown are based on theoratical clients 5RM maxes of a semi-experience lifter

Breathing Warm-up prep


1. Warmup: Breathing Warmup-prep
2. @4441 breathing tempo x6 breathes Rest 30 seconds x3 (4 second inhale, 4 seconds hold, 4 seconds exhale, 1 second pause)
3. Submax breath holds *Record duration in comments -Exhale all O2 and pinch nose -Hold nose and time duration while sitting in upright position with good posture -Give yourself 3-4 breathes through nose and mouth when finished and begin nasal breathing only for rest periods Rest 60-90 seconds x2-3 sets

Primary FOcus

Modality: -


1. Submax breath holds *Record duration in comments -Exhale all O2 and pinch nose -Hold nose and time duration while sitting in upright position with good posture -Give yourself 3-4 breathes through nose and mouth when finished and begin nasal breathing only for rest periods Rest 60-90 seconds x2-3 sets

Primary FOcus

Modality: -


1. To begin, seat yourself on the bike and adjust the seat to your height.
2. Select the desired option from the menu.
3. You may have to start pedaling to turn it on.
4. You can use the manual setting, or you can select a program to use.
5. Typically, you can enter your age and weight to estimate the amount of calories burned during exercise.
6. The level of resistance can be changed throughout the workout.
7. The handles can be used to monitor your heart rate to help you stay at an appropriate intensity.

Primary FOcus

Modality: Cardio
Muscle Group: Quads
Movement Pattern: Locomotion




1. To begin, step onto the treadmill and select the desired option from the menu. Most treadmills have a manual setting, or you can select a program to run. Typically, you can enter your age and weight to estimate the amount of calories burned during exercise. Elevation can be adjusted to change the intensity of the workout.
2. Treadmills offer convenience, cardiovascular benefits, and usually have less impact than walking outside. When walking, you should move at a moderate to fast pace, not a leisurely one. Being an activity of lower intensity, walking does not burn as many calories as some other activities, but still provides great benefit. A 150 lb person will burn about 175 calories walking 4 miles per hour for 30 minutes, compared to 450 calories running twice as fast. Maintain proper posture as you walk, and only hold onto the handles when necessary, such as when dismounting or checking your heart rate.

Primary FOcus

Modality: Cardio
Muscle Group: Quads, Hamstrings, Lower Leg
Movement Pattern: Locomotion


1. Begin standing with your feet shoulder-width apart.
2. Your arms should be bent and at your sides.
3. Lift your right knee up until it reaches your waist.
4. Your left arm should swing forward while your right arm swings back.
5. Keep your left knee slightly bent and allow it to spring.
6. Return your right foot to the ground as you lift your left knee.
7. Swing your right arm forward and your left arm back.
8. Keep your right knee slightly bent and allow it to spring.
9. Repeat.

Primary FOcus

Modality: Cardio
Muscle Group: Quads, Hamstrings, Lower Leg
Movement Pattern: Locomotion


1. Move Slow and focus on nasal breathing.

Primary FOcus

Modality: -

Expression base 1520 (Intermediate)

Expression week 1 Base 1520 (Intermediate)



1. Get outdoors. Go biking, hiking, or something recreational, etc... have fun be active!

Primary FOcus

Modality: -

Maybe you are not a carrer missionary going to the himalayans but also not a first timer. This program is designed with you in mind.


*For Someone who has 2-5 years of consistent training exposure
* Focuses on movement competency with a barbell as well as basic movement patterns
* This will guide you through Lower Split and Upper Push/Pull progressions
* Focused on increasing readiness for higher skilled movements used in the advanced program.
* Aerobic capacity increase with cyclical training from multiple modalities and progressive volume building (You will be able to breath better)

Hinge Push/Pull base 1520 (Intermediate)

Weights shown are based on theoratical clients 5RM maxes of a semi-experience lifter

Hip Mobility Flow

Primary FOcus

Muscle Group: Hip & Groin

Primary FOcus

Modality : Strength


1. Hold a bar at hip level with a pronated (palms facing down) grip.
2. Your shoulders should be back, your back arched, and your knees slightly bent.
3. This will be your starting position.
4. Lower the bar by moving your butt back as far as you can.
5. Keep the bar close to your body, your head looking forward, and your shoulders back.
6. Done correctly, you should reach the maximum range of your hamstring flexibility just below the knee.
7. Any further movement will be compensation and should be avoided for this movement.
8. At the bottom of your range of motion, return the starting position by driving the hips forward to stand up tall.
5. Begin to raise the bar as you exhale by pushing the floor mainly with the middle of your foot as you straighten the legs again and go back to the starting position.



Primary FOcus

Modality: Strength
Muscle Group: Hamstrings, Glutes
Movement Pattern: Lower Body Hinge

Super Set

Dual Dumbbell Seated Press


1. Dual Dumbbell seated press begins seated on a flat bench, with knees bent and heels on the floor, with a dumbbell in each hand in the front rack position, with hands in a neutral grip. 2. To initiate the movement, punch the knuckles up towards the ceiling and extend the dumbbells up overhead. Then, with control, lower the dumbbells back down to the starting position.

Primary FOcus

Muscle Group: Shoulders

Primary FOcus

Modality: Strength

Cyclic aerobic base 1520 (intermediate)

Breathing Warm-Up Prep


1. Warmup: Breathing Warmup- prep
2. @4441 breathing tempo x6 breathes Rest 30 seconds x3 (4 second inhale, 4 seconds hold, 4 seconds exhale, 1 second pause)
3. Submax breath holds *Record duration in comments -Exhale all O2 abd pinch nose -Hold position with good posture -Give yourself 3-4 breathes through nose and mouth when finished through nose and mouth when finished and begin nasal breathing only for rest periods Rest 60-90 seconds x2-3 sets

Primary FOcus

Mobility: -


1. Submax breath holds *Recond duration in comments -Exhale all O2 and pinch nose-Hold position with good posture -Give yourself 3-4 breathes through nose and mouth when finished and begin nasal breathing only for rest periods Rest 60-90 seconds x2-3 sets
2. @4441 breathing tempo x6 breathes Rest 30 seconds x3 (4 second inhale, 4 seconds hold, 4 seconds exhale, 1 second pause)
3. Submax breath holds *Record duration in comments -Exhale all O2 abd pinch nose -Hold position with good posture -Give yourself 3-4 breathes through nose and mouth when finished through nose and mouth when finished and begin nasal breathing only for rest periods Rest 60-90 seconds x2-3 sets

Primary FOcus

Modality: -

Primary FOcus

Modality: Cardio


1. Begin standing with your feet shoulder-width apart.
2. Your arms should be bent and at your sides.
3. Lift your right knee up until it reaches your waist
4. Your left arm should swing forward while your right arm swings back.
5. Keep your left knee slightly bent and allow it to spring.
6. Return your right foot to the ground as you lift your left knee.
7. Swing your right arm forward and your left arm back.
8. Keep your right knee slightly bent and allow it to spring.
9. Repeat.

Primary FOcus

Modality: Cardio
Muscle Group: Quads, Hamstrings, Lower Leg
Movement Pattern: Locomotion


1. Front Leaning rest begins in a high plank position, with hands beneath the shoulders, arms straight, and core engaged by keeping a PPT (posterior pelvic tilt)
2.To come further into position, lean the shoulders slightly forward and protract through the upper back and shoulders

Primary FOcus

Modality: Strength


1. Weather on a hill or a treadmill, use weighted vest or dumbbells to walk uphill.

Primary FOcus

Modality: Cardio


1. Move slow and focus on nasal breathing.

Primary FOcus

Modality: -

Upper Push-LowerAccess Base 1520 (Intermediate)

Weights shown are based on theoratical clients 5RM maxes of a semi-experience lifter

Lateral Walk with Band


1. Place a band around the knees and walt laterally (sideo to side) while just lifting the foot slightly off the ground.

Primary FOcus

Muscle Group: Glutes

Primary FOcus

Muscle Group: Activation

Primary FOcus

Muscle Group: Glutes

Primary FOcus

Modality: Activation

Primary FOcus

Muscle Group: Core & Lower Back

Primary FOcus

Modality: Activation


1. The Bent over barbell row starts with the bar on the floor.
2. Hinge from the hips and grab the bar with hands pronated.
3. Keeping the back flat, begin to pull the bar up towards the bottom of the chest.
4. Then, with control, lower the weight back down to the ground.



Primary FOcus

Modality: Strength
Muscle Group: Mid Back
Movement pattern: Upper Body Horizontal Pull

Super Set

Banded Split Squat

Primary FOcus

Modality: Strength

Primary FOcus

Muscle Group: Hamstrings

Cyclic Aerobic Base 1520 (Intermediate)

Weights shown are based on theoratical clients 5RM maxes of a semi-experience lifter

Breathing Warm-up prep


1. Warmup: Breathing Warmup-prep
2. @4441 breathing tempo x6 breathes Rest 30 seconds x3 (4 second inhale, 4 seconds hold, 4 seconds exhale, 1 second pause)
3. Submax breath holds *Record duration in comments -Exhale all O2 and pinch nose -Hold nose and time duration while sitting in upright position with good posture -Give yourself 3-4 breathes through nose and mouth when finished and begin nasal breathing only for rest periods Rest 60-90 seconds x2-3 sets

Primary FOcus

Modality: -


1. Submax breath holds *Record duration in comments -Exhale all O2 and pinch nose -Hold nose and time duration while sitting in upright position with good posture -Give yourself 3-4 breathes through nose and mouth when finished and begin nasal breathing only for rest periods Rest 60-90 seconds x2-3 sets

Primary FOcus

Modality: -


1. Row Begins seated on a rower machine, with feet strapped in and hands on the rower handle, gripping in a pronated position (knuckles face up). To initiate the movement, drive through the heels to extend the legs, while simultaneously bending at the elbows and pulling the rower handle in towards the bottom of the chest. Then, to reset, allow the arms to extend, let the resistance of the rower draw you back forward, and allow the knees to bend naturally.

Primary FOcus

Muscle Group: Mid Back


1. To begin, seat yourself on the bike and adjust the seat to your height.
2. Select the desired option from the menu.
3. You may have to start pedaling to turn it on.
4. You can use the manual setting, or you can select a program to use.
5. Typically, you can enter your age and weight to estimate the amount of calories burned during exercise.
6. The level of resistance can be changed throughout the workout.
7. The handles can be used to monitor your heart rate to help you stay at an appropriate intensity.



Primary FOcus

Modality: Cardio
Muscle Group: Quads
Movement Pattern: Locomotion




1. To begin, step onto the treadmill and select the desired option from the menu. Most treadmills have a manual setting, or you can select a program to run. Typically, you can enter your age and weight to estimate the amount of calories burned during exercise. Elevation can be adjusted to change the intensity of the workout.
2. Treadmills offer convenience, cardiovascular benefits, and usually have less impact than walking outside. When walking, you should move at a moderate to fast pace, not a leisurely one. Being an activity of lower intensity, walking does not burn as many calories as some other activities, but still provides great benefit. A 150 lb person will burn about 175 calories walking 4 miles per hour for 30 minutes, compared to 450 calories running twice as fast. Maintain proper posture as you walk, and only hold onto the handles when necessary, such as when dismounting or checking your heart rate.

Primary FOcus

Modality: Cardio
Muscle Group: Quads, Hamstrings, Lower Leg
Movement Pattern: Locomotion


1. Begin standing with your feet shoulder-width apart.
2. Your arms should be bent and at your sides.
3. Lift your right knee up until it reaches your waist.
4. Your left arm should swing forward while your right arm swings back.
5. Keep your left knee slightly bent and allow it to spring.
6. Return your right foot to the ground as you lift your left knee.
7. Swing your right arm forward and your left arm back.
8. Keep your right knee slightly bent and allow it to spring.
9. Repeat.

Primary FOcus

Modality: Cardio
Muscle Group: Quads, Hamstrings, Lower Leg
Movement Pattern: Locomotion


1. Move Slow and focus on nasal breathing.

Primary FOcus

Modality: -

Expression base 1520 (Intermediate)

Expression week 1 Base 1520 (Intermediate)



1. Get outdoors. Go biking, hiking, or something recreational, etc... have fun be active!

Primary FOcus

Modality: -

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